Reemerge with the Divine

“A human being is part of a whole, called by us the ‘Universe’—a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts, and feelings, as something separated from the rest—a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness…”

Venus has entered my 12th house, warming the natural springs of life and reviving the desire for all things beautiful. The attached video expresses the ebb and flow of her rejuvenating energy. One can be in the middle of nowhere yet remain joyfully at home while in her embrace.

Now before you press play find a comfortable place to slip away so as to reemerge in the oceanic bliss of the subconscious. In this realm all barriers and heaviness fade away. Our sense of ‘me’ morphs into ‘we’. All are at home here whether as alien or kin, borg or beast. This is where we recharge our batteries before rising once again as separate egos.

As a Sagittarius by ascendent and sun, my exact sun/neptune conj in the 12th allows for creative fun. So where beauty conjoins with my passion for honest-to-goodness aims, my universe lights up with magnanimous flames! So enjoy the meditation exercise if you can and feel free to share your experience however strange. For me it feels awesome to bring others into my neck of the woods for a change.

“…Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” – Albert Einstein

About Philosopher Muse

An explorer of volition and soul, a song under a night sky and a dream that forever yearns to be.
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8 Responses to Reemerge with the Divine

  1. Andrew says:

    Thank you for this, it reminds me of the Buddhist exercise of metta or loving kindness meditation:)

  2. What a wonderful meditation! Thank you Jason. I found my mind and body relaxing and entering into the oceanic state of “we” far away from the minute “me”. Interestingly, I found the music both relaxing and tense at the same time. Blessings always, Deborah.

  3. kanewischer says:

    Really enjoyed the meditation. Usually I can’t quiet my mind. But I focused on the background music letting it flow through me. And it seemed like the meditation was over so quickly! Thank you for sharing this wonderful meditation, Jason.

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