
It is my aim to adapt the trial & death of Socrates as a stage play in view to recovering the myths and sentiments that have shaped the Western mind. Throughout the age myths have given us a backdrop by which to obtain perspective. They bridge for us one precipice to another and help us to make sense of the absurdities and taboos of the present day.

This play focuses more on the hereafter rather than the actual court case. There’s comedy & dance in the beginning to help loosen our mindset but as we go deeper into the story we come face to face with an existential drama! Here we explore the death of Socrates at a more profound level and provide a philosophical framework by which we may dialectically come to terms with our own eventual negation as self.

Click here for an act by act summary of my artistic vision of the Trial and Death of Socrates.


“It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure.” — Joseph Campbell